Meeting Minutes Notes

Personal Information:

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Project: Notebook Application

Topic: Brainstorm for new project Notebook Application

Date: 10/09/2022




  1. Linh submits project planner to manager by 10/13/2022
  2. Duc submits a scratch work for front end user interface to manager by 10/15/2022
  3. Kenny submits skeleton psudocode for back end applicaiton to manager by 10/20/2022
  4. Kristy submits a webpage design to the product to manager by 10/15/2022

Unfinished business from last meeting: (unordered list)

Additional comments on project:

Additional notes:

The textarea element defines a multi-line input field.

Meeting summary


Brainstorming a Notebook application project

Assigned work to members

Discuss about increasing workforce productivity

Lunch Meals (datalist)

Little Happy Song

Click on the play button to play a sound:

Short Cute Cat Video